Handyman Services

Don’t put off all those home repairs and maintenance tasks any longer. Let our handyman sort them out and save your time for. . .whatever you want! Our experienced handy-rats can fix drywall, make bathroom and kitchen repairs, hang pictures or even undertake more serious home improvements and renovations.

Have you booked Roof Rats to vacuum out your ceiling or install insulation? Why not ask our handyman to come along with the crew to tighten a few screws, straighten your cupboard doors and patch that hole in your wall? He will have you feeling good about your home again in no time!

Need a handyman? Go with the name you trust.

Handy Rats is located in Kya Sand, Randburg and can efficiently service Johannesburg North.

Check out Roof Rats’ other new services!

Carpenter Rats
Plumber Rats
Glass Rats
and Glass [Shower] Rats

…or dial 011-462-0209
